Magic team came back from the Stunfest 2019 (15th edition), a french video games festival based in Rennes.
The Stunfest was at first a simple brawl games tournament. But it grew rapidly to become a much larger event, crossing the video game cultural diversity and turned into an international event.
The Stunfest also positions itself as a great supporter of independent creators, whether French or from anywhere in the world. The festival needs to do so, since the will behind it is to promote and make available the full richness of the video game media. A large area is dedicated to independent projects and creations to share with the audience an alternative culture to the blockbusters.
During 3 days, we met wonderful people coming from everywhere in France and Europe, discovered other cool games and shared one beer (or two...) with amazing devs.
Also, it was the first time players would enjoy Unruly Heroes, enhanced by the Challenge Update.
Thanks to everyone who came and supported us.
Merci ! A bientôt Rennes !