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Unruly Heroes, video game, action, adventure, XboxOne, PS4, Nintendo Switch, 4K, epic
Photo du rédacteurMagic Design Studios

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

2019 was an important year for our studio. Unruly Heroes has been released first in January on consoles and PC and then in May on PS4. The game was critically acclaimed by press and public. After that, we've worked on the Challenge Update, we've participated to game events and we're currently working on the mobile version of the game.

What's up for 2020? Well, we can't say much for now but we hope that we will surprise you.

But everything won't be the same without our community. So thank you very much for your support during all this year and the next one.

We sincerely wish you an happy season holiday.

🎁 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 🎁


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