Simon, Lead Game Designer, is here with a winter update!

Hello everyone,
We hope you're all well. Winter is coming and it's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas! Let's dive right into what the team has been up to!
Early November, part of our team (Meredith and myself) and the Gearbox Publishing team were at the PARIS GAMES WEEK to showcase Have a Nice Death to the public. We had a wonderful time, meeting people that were discovering the game but also talking with some players that already had the game and wanted to congratulate us. What a bless! We're still happy to see nice reviews, comments, and feedback on the internet, but meeting a part of our community in real life was awesome.
We hope to live this kind of experience again quite soon.
Secondly, as you may have seen in the last Nintendo Indie World Showcase, Have a Nice Death will be released for Nintendo Switch on March, 22 2023.
We know that's something a lot of you wanted and we have been working hard on it for few months. This is something we are really excited for.
And top it all... It will also be released in 1.0 for Steam at the same time.
Have a Nice Death has evolved a lot these past months, and thanks to you we are soon gonna be able to release the game: More thanks again (yeah lot of thanks in this post)!
BUT THAT IS PRETTY FAR IN THE FUTURE and let's go back a bit before that. So for the next update... There are several subjects we want to work on it.
The first thing we are working on is POLISHING. There are a lot of our features that we like but could be more pleasing, visually, with better feedback. For instance, we are reworking the weapon UI to make it easier to distinguish between rare weapons and upgraded ones. We figured this was the best time for it, before we are too focused on the big content coming later.
The second thing is that we are gonna rework our scythe choice system. We love all of our different scythes, especially the new ones, but some players do not want to spend prismium to get them ( greedy metagaming...), so we would prefer you to have the opportunity to play with them a bit more. That means we are also gonna re-balance them a bit since they won't cost prismium to be obtained. Don't worry, the control room will still be very useful.
Another thing that it's important for us is to enhance the overall system for newer players. A lot of players would like to see the lasts worlds, but since they are gated by strong Sorrows they cannot have the "pleasure" to meet them. Don't worry ultra-hardcore-gamers, we'll introduce new difficulty modes for you too.
Finally, there is some trouble brewing at Death INC. Brad seems to be behaving strangely... like he's actually working (who would have thought it). And Pump Quinn should not be so greedy and could eat something bad...
Well, that is all for me today. I hope you guys are very excited for the next update this month, and the 1.0 version on Switch and Steam in March.
See you soon, Simon